Porsche 928 S4 - from 0 to 100 km/h

Ever wondered how quick the Porsche 928 moves? Check out my old video where I take my 1990 Porsche 928 S4 on a stretch, all the way from 0 to 100 km/hour.

Not too bad for a 22 year old porsche, eh?  It was unmatched in it's day!

Or as someone else put it: "The 928 was a god amongst cars in it's day, but it was very misunderstood and under-appreciated by the majority" ~ unknown

I would love to hear your thoughts: Ever owned a 928? Any personal experiences with one?  Ever even seen one?

Porsche 928 S4 on Race Track

This is not my own video of my Porsche 928 S4 as I was writing about earlier, but still, I found this to be pretty cool.  I think you will agree that the output on this beast is just awesome.

Mind you this beast is fine tuned, but nonetheless, it hauls pretty good.  Just hearing the engine revv makes me want to get in go for a round or two.  It appears to be holding itself quite nicely next to the MUCH younger Corvette.

Enjoy and hey, why not share your Porsche 928 experiences below? I would love to hear from you!